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Annual Gathering 2024

  • MAPS GLOBAL MISSIONS BASE 3121 Moss Side Avenue Richmond, VA, 23222 United States (map)

We believe God is raising up a people across the earth in preparation for the greatest outpouring of the Spirit on the Church, the greatest harvest in the nations, and the greatest trouble in all of history. It is our heart to encourage and equip pioneering leaders to pray, preach and sing among neighborhoods and nations. We are calling the Body of Christ to engage with Jesus and His Great Commission. Come, gather together with us and with like-minded believers from across the Body of Christ for these four days in the presence of Jesus, the Lord of the Harvest, at AG24! AG24 is a worship, prayer, and missions conference hosted by MAPS Global.

July 13

Esther Gathering

February 26

Noon Prayer at MAPS Global - ASCRIBE